Welcome to Class 1.
We follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
In Early Years we have adopted an 'In The Moment' Planning approach. As a result of this, our long term curriculum is broadly planned to allow flexibility enabling us to follow the interests of the children.
To find out more about 'In The Moment' Planning please see within Letters to Parents/Carers.
Miss Hughes (Class Teacher) & Mrs Watson (HLTA)
The children that make Class 1.
We value the unique insight that parents can provide into their children's learning and acknowledge that learning begins and continues in the home environment. By working in close partnership with parents, we seek to nurture in the children the development of trust, respect, confidence, resilience, independence and the love of learning.
As parents you will be provided with regularly updates with what we are doing in class through weekly home-school diary entries through our electronic learning journal Tapestry.