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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3


Class 3 is the hive of all the activity of our wonderful Year 3 and Year 4. Mr Sheader is the class teacher, he is also the school's Science, Computing and Religious Education lead. He is joined in Class 3 by Mrs Welford. 

Class 3 2022-2023

Area of Maths: Read and write numbers to at least 1000 in numerals and in words. 

Being Architects

September 2022 - Last week we received a very special, and precious delivery. A number of boxes arrived at our classroom filled with ancient artefacts from the Stone Age. We had to carefully unearth them from their packaging and as a group discuss what they could have been used for. 

States of Matter: Heating and Cooling

October 7th 2022

Today we looked at the melting and freezing points of different materials. We discussed how a change in temperature can affect the state of a solid or a liquid. We then carried out our own investigation to find the best water temperature for melting chocolate. Once we had conducted our investigation, we wrote up our findings, then put into practice what we had discovered, by making some delicious chocolate cornflake cakes. 


Class 3 2021-2022

Quad kids event at Lady Lumley's School

Class 3 trip to Rotunda Museum and Scarborough beach


Class 3 had a wonderful trip to Scarborough, where we visited Rotunda Museum as part of the Creatures of Curiosity project.  We undertook a trail about extinct animals 'Lost and Found'.  We then created a clay 'curiosity' inspired by the Rotunda Ram.  Once we'd had our lunch in the sunshine beneath Spa Bridge, we had a great time on the beach, digging, playing and creating.  A fabulous day was had by one and all.

This Planet Rocks


In our science unit on rocks and fossils we undertook a science investigation to test the hardness and permeability of different types of rocks.  we also conducted an acid test on the rocks.  This enabled us to predict whether the rocks were sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic.  We also had a hunt round our local area for different types of rock and how they are used. We looked for signs of erosion.  We still have more to learn about fossils and soils.



14th January 2022 - Class 3 go Curling!

Meet our house teams.

We loved our Street Dance lesson at the start of October. We really enjoyed making some groovy moves. We discussed how performing infront of others can be difficult but can also help our self-confidence.

Street Dance October 1st 2021

Still image for this video
A video of our dancing. Where were the Class 3 grown ups?

More move busting!

Still image for this video

RE Autumn 2021 Parent Letter

Our first RE unit this year will be one about the Domestic Church and family. The unit is entitled 'People' and asks the BIG question 'Where do I come from?' We will begin by looking at our own family trees and then focussing each session on the family tree and ancestors of Jesus. Please see the parent letter attached below for more information .

Class 3 2019-2020


Class 3 2018-2019

Curriculum Letter Summer 2019

Curriculum Letter Autumn 2018

Class 3 2017-2018

Curriculum Letter Autumn 2017

Maths No Problem PowerPoint

RE Parent's Newsletter Autumn 2018

Welcome to Class 3 2016-2017

Hope Central


Summer 2016 Curriculum letter

Class 3 curriculum letter January 2016

Class 3 curriculum letter January 2015

The links below will take you to our webpages full of photos of all the wonderful things children in Class 3 have been doing this year.